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AOTS Constitution and Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws of the National AOTS were revised and updated in 2011. Bylaw changes were adopted in 2012. The Constitution provides the basic framework for the organization while the Bylaws provide operational guidance.

The financial basis for the National AOTS was a combination of 1) Club Fees assessed based on the local Club membership and 2) donations to National Projects by Clubs or individuals. Typically, the assets accumulated by the National Executive were distributed to charitable causes focused on youth. AOTS voluntarily revoked its CRA charitable status when the Executive was suspended.

The decline in clubs and the membership within clubs created several stressors in the organization. The issues were addressed, in part, by adopting the 2012 bylaw changes that 1) clarified the role of women in AOTS and 2) waived all fees.

The AOTS Brochure:

Here is a link to the AOTS National brochure. The brochure was updated in 2014 and in it you will find information on: who we are, what we do, club operations, expectations & opportunities, the national AOTS structure, and a brief history of the organization.


AOTS Logo or Crest:

The AOTS crest is registered in the Canadian Trademarks Database (Registration # 0903189).  Documentation can be found by searching the database for United Church of Canada or by accessing the Canadian Trademarks Database #0903189.


AOTS Flag:

  The AOTS Flag is available from
Kennedy House
Erin ON  N0B 1T0
Tel: 519-833-9306

How to Re-activate the National Executive:

The National Executive was intended to support and enhance the operation of local church clubs through national programs and projects.  The Executive was suspended due to the rapid decline in the number of local clubs and the resultant lack of need for and interest in a national structure.  The National Executive structure could be re-activated if there is a resurgence in local clubs and a desire for a national structure.  Local clubs could take the form of AOTS Clubs, men's clubs, men's fellowships or other local church clubs.  Although AOTS was originally conceived for men's clubs, the national structure could be applied to clubs without regard to club type or gender specificity.  The goal should be to enhance the club experience through a national support structure.

A few steps would be required to re-activate the national structure:

  • Assemble a small group representing clubs from several regions or provinces.
  • Adopt the original Constitution and Bylaws as a starting point.  The documents could be reviewed and revised later to reflect the new priorities of the national organization.
  • Select the initial Executive members through an election or volunteer process.
  • Establish a process for Executive meetings using internet or teleconference tools.
  • Establish an effective process to communicate with clubs.
  • Identify financial resources to fund initial operations.
  • Identify actions the Executive could take in support of local clubs.
  • Review the United Church Manual to determine how the national structure might fit with Men’s (and Women’s) ministry in the Church.
  • Consider applying for charitable status.


The National Association of United Church AOTS Men’s Clubs